
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Translation and Interpreting Studies2023年第1期

语言学通讯 语言学通讯


Translation and Interpreting Studies


主编:Brian James Baer 美国肯特州立大学



Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to disseminate knowledge and research relevant to all areas of language mediation. TIS seeks to address broad, common concerns among scholars working in various areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies, while encouraging sound empirical research that could serve as a bridge between academics and practitioners. The journal is also dedicated to facilitating communication among those who may be working on related subjects in other fields, from Comparative Literature to Information Science. Finally, TIS is a forum for the dissemination in English translation of relevant scholarly research originally published in languages other than English. TIS is the official journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA).

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Translation and Interpreting Studies

本期看点本期TIS刊发7篇研究论文,其中1篇出自华人学者,澳大利亚莫纳什大学齐林涛博士。本期论文有鲜明的社会关切,不一定是说这些文章都在使用某种社会学理论(比如布迪厄的社会实践论、拉图尔行动者网络理论、卢曼的社会系统论等),而是关心的都是口笔译的社会维度。类似少谈主义,多解决问题。比如,口译行为如何维护社会公平争议,并以此作为口译伦理基础。比如,字幕翻译专职译员的压力和关切是署名比如,外国文学引入国内遭遇盗版之后,“原文”中心被消解,被劫持,变得不确比如酷儿社会团体的话语翻译。比如中国在历史上第一次全面与欧洲接触的翻译有什么特点……传统口译研究并不肩负着对社会政治的承诺,也不参与社会变革,在很大程度上仍然受到一种纯粹的自由主义传统的制约。为了摆脱这一传统,引导口译伦理走向社会正义,Julie的论文提出了一种口译元伦理方法和解释模式,从三个互补的角度探讨了全球正义运动中的激进主义口译。案例研究表明,社会正义不仅关系到社会福祉,对国民利益的杠杆作用,而且还包括社会沟通和社会绩效。该模型可以使研究人员充分利用社会运动环境中发现的语用、话语和认识论的解放潜能,重新塑造这一领域的口译伦理。Sohomjit的论文简要介绍了南亚语境下翻译史概况,认为忠实是由于拉马努詹需要在两种不同的翻译模式张力之间产生的殖民残余。作者强调拉马努扬作为一名“诗人-译者”的身份,认为他的翻译实践应该是有自己的翻译诗学。作者认为只有把翻译诗学看作是一种深刻的解释学行为,翻译的矛盾或悖论印象才会得到解决,忠实的殖民残余也会分散。作者把拉马努扬的翻译诗学定义为“重读”:译者不仅是一个读者,也不全是一个自由发挥的作家,而需要译者在读者-作者之间游刃有余地自由跨角色转换。翻译通常被认为与原文有关,好像原文是确定的、单一的、稳定的。然而,读者、译者和出版者可以从不同的角度来看待“原文”这一概念,这取决于特定的社会文化背景。莫纳什大学的Lintao Qi(齐林涛)博士文以澳大利亚小说“The Thorn Birds”的汉译为例,从版权法与盗版异乎寻常并存的中国出版业的背景出发,对原文的考察。授权出版商和仿冒者之间的紧张关系导致了原作被高度商品化,因而经常被重建的局面。因此,对原文的翻译研究必须超越法律和伦理层面,以包括经济、政治和历史背景。原文可以说是原作(S)和译文(S)的共同财产,在每一个新的历史时刻,都必须在一定的社会文化语境中不断地进行重新解读。Remy研究了Netflix电视剧《One Day at a Time》的非二元代词在西班牙语和法语翻译中的表现。该剧是一部以社会正义为导向的情景喜剧。作者对比了原文和情景剧一集中的六个平行翻译,确定了两种主要翻译策略。第一种策略依赖于从英语翻译而来的借译,译者对源文本的理解存在误解。第二种策略则表现出译者与西班牙语和法语酷儿社区的积极互动,复制了真实的酷儿语言实践。本文接着叙述了这两种策略对接受度的影响,并概述了为酷儿导向的文本应该以酷儿群体为基础翻译才是最佳实践。字幕员的工作正在发生重大变化。Alexander的研究实证调查了字幕专业人员对工作变化、工作条件影响的看法。通过对19名制作德语字幕的自由职业者进行了电子邮件采访研究。访谈的主题分析表明三大主题:对字幕行业最近的趋势感到失望、对质量的关切,对行业的机遇。这项质性研究为将来的后续调查提供了基础。Ansley描述了当代俄罗斯诗歌中粗俗用语的使用变化及其对英语翻译的影响。现今俄罗斯诗歌使用更多类似于英语诗歌的粗俗用语,这更符合日常会话的用语方式。但俄罗斯文化对粗俗用语仍然有着很强的禁忌,其中包括与性别有关的禁忌。本文利用来自2000年代和2010年代的多位女性和男性诗人的例子,探讨了使用粗俗用语对不同讲话者来说可能是平常或禁忌的矛盾现象。对于俄语到英语的翻译来说,粗俗用语是一个重要的挑战。本文还讨论了酷儿社群如何使用粗俗用语,并建议最好以捕捉这些社群所使用的特定语言的方式进行翻译。中国香港岭南大学Florin-Stefan Morar展示了一个中国翻译史研究,回答了早在16世纪中国第一次系统全面与欧洲历史相遇的翻译实践特征。通过考察这些现存最早中译文。文章认为,在早期殖民主义背景下的西班牙和葡萄牙殖民帝国代理人制定了实用而有效的社会和语言翻译方法来翻译中文。主要有三种翻译模式:学习欧洲语言的中国口译员翻译;中国和欧洲双方口译员一起合作,转化成口语化译文;熟练掌握中文的欧洲人自己进行翻译。本文编辑:语言学通讯 王峰

Steering ethics toward social justice A model for a meta-ethics of interpreting 

Julie Boéri | Hamad Bin Khalifa University 

摘要:The interpreting field has not been impervious to the call for dismantling patterns of injustice that extend down to the communication encounter. However, its engagement with socio-political commitment and change remains largely constrained by a deontological and liberal tradition. To decenter interpreting from this tradition and to steer its ethics toward social justice, this paper proposes a meta-ethical approach to and a model of interpreting. It explores activist interpreting in the global justice movement from three complementary standpoints: interpreting in the encounter (micro), politics of organization (macro) and enquiry (meso). The case study shows that social justice does not only concern the leverage of citizens’ benefits in the welfare state, but also consists of a communicational and social performance. The model can equip researchers to harness the liberatory potential of praxes, discourses and epistemologies found in the social movement milieu to refashion ethical language and thought in the field.

Keywords: activism, meta-ethics, interpreting, tridimensional model, social justice

The translator as rereader 

A. K. Ramanujan’s poetics of translation

Sohomjit Ray | College of Staten Island 

摘要:A. K.Ramanujan’s complicated invocations of fidelity in the paratexts of his pioneering translations have invited analyses that focus on contradictions and paradoxes in his translation theory and practice. Providing a brief historical overview of translation in the South Asian context, this article contextualizes fidelity as a colonial remnant produced due to Ramanujan’s need to move between two disparate models of translation. Emphasizing Ramanujan’s identity as a poet-translator, I claim that his translation practice should be seen to have a poetics of its own; the impression of contradiction or paradox is resolved and the colonial remnant of fidelity decentralized if we consider this poetics to be a deeply hermeneutic act. I describe Ramanujan’s translation poetics to be defined by rereading, such that the translator is not just a reader nor fully a writer, but one who straddles both roles with ease to exist in community with other readers. 

Keywords: literary translation, South Asia, poetics, rereading, A. K. Ramanujan

Piracy and the commodification of originality in translation 

The Thorn Birds in the Chinese literary marketplace 

Lintao Qi| Monash University 

摘要:Translation is often considered in relation to the original, as if the original were always singular, fixed, stable, and incontestable. Readers, translators, and publishers, however, may approach the concept of original(ity) from diverse perspectives, conditioned by specific sociocultural contexts. Using Chinese translations of the Australian novel The Thorn Birds as a case study, this article situates its examination of original(ity) in the context of Chinese publishing industries, in which copyright laws and piracy unusually co-exist. The resultant tension between authorized publishers and counterfeiters gives rise to a situation where originality is highly commodified and thus frequently reconstructed. Translation research on original(ity), therefore, must move beyond legal and ethical dimensions to include economic, political, and historical contexts. Original(ity), which may be considered a collective property of both the original(s) and the translation(s), has to be constantly reinterpreted in a given sociocultural context at each new historical moment.

Keywords: copyright, piracy, The Thorn Birds , literary translation, original(ity), publishing industries

A call for community-informed translation Respecting Queer self-determination across linguistic lines 

Remy Attig | Bowling Green State University 

摘要:This article considers the Spanish and French translations of nonbinary pronouns in Netflix’s One Day at a Time, a social-justice-oriented sitcom. The article compares the source text with six parallel translations taken from one episode and isolates two main translation strategies. In the first strategy, translators rely on calque translations from English that demonstrate a misunderstanding of the source text. The second strategy shows an active engagement on the part of translators with Hispanic and Francophone Queer communities, replicating authentic Queer language practices. The article goes on to describe the implications of both strategies on reception and outlines several reasons why community-informed translation should be established as a best practice for Queer-oriented texts.

Keywords: Queer, Spanish, French, nonbinary, social justice, activist translation

How subtitling professionals perceive changes in working conditions 

An interview study in German-speaking countries

Alexander Künzli | University of Geneva 

摘要:The job of a subtitler is undergoing significant changes. This study investigates subtitling professionals’ perceptions of the effects these changes are having on their working conditions. With this aim in mind, an email interview study was conducted with nineteen freelance subtitling professionals producing German-language subtitles. Overall themes in the subtitlers’ accounts were disillusion with recent trends in the subtitling profession (the precarization of the subtitling profession, acceleration of production processes, virtualization of collaboration), concerns about quality (unavailable or low-quality working materials, market entry of unskilled subtitlers, replacement of established local subtitling guidelines by international ones, machine translation), but also opportunities (predictability, solidarity among subtitling professionals). Suggestions for future directions concern longitudinal studies to evaluate the effects changes in professional subtitling practice have on working conditions over time with follow-up surveys to collect subtitlers’ opinions on how the problems identified could best be tackled.

Keywords: subtitling professionals, German-speaking subtitling practice, working conditions, email interviewing, thematic analysis

The X-word Translating profanity in contemporary Russian poetry 

Ainsley Morse | Dartmouth College 

摘要:This article describes changes in the use of profanity in contemporary Russian poetry and its implications for translation into English. While Russian poetry now more closely resembles English-language poetry in embracing the profanity typical of conversational speech, the highly taboo nature of Russian profanity is still relevant, including gender-specific taboos. Using examples from a range of female and male poets from the 2000s and 2010s (including Dina Gatina, Elena Fanailova, Dmitri Prigov, Andrei Rodionov, Alexander Skidan, Oksana Vasyakina, Lida Yusupova and others), the article explores the ambivalent status of profane language today, whereby the same phrase for different speakers can be considered entirely unremarkable or profoundly taboo. In addition to the exigencies of poetic form, this is the most relevant factor (and vexing problem) for Russian-to-English translation. Special attention is also paid to specifically queer uses of profanity, with the suggestion that profanity is perhaps best translated in a maximally expressive sociolect-specific way.

Keywords: profanity, contemporary Russian poetry, taboo, sex, Russia

First encounters The earliest approaches to translating and interpreting the Chinese language in the early modern period 

Florin-Stefan Morar | Lingnan University 

摘要:This article examines the earliest extant translations from Chinese in the period of the first systematic encounters between Chinese and Europeans in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It argues that agents of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the context of early modern colonialism devised practical and effective social and linguistic approaches for translating Chinese. The article investigates three such approaches: the use of Chinese interpreters who learned European languages; the use of oral translation in the collaboration between Chinese and European interpreters; and the use of Europeans fluent in Chinese translating themselves. 

Keywords: history of translation, cultural history of translation, Chinese translation, China and the West, social history of translation




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